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Spring Picnic & Dinner

Writer: KylaKyla

Saturday 9th April 2022

At the start of the day, everyone came together on the lawn behind Newstead Abbey to meet up, chat, and admire each other's outfits.

We brought tea and cakes to share, and some went ahead and tucked into their sandwiches. A small group joined me for a quick lesson in Scottish Country Dancing - some of the dances dated back to the 18th century.

Dancing the Military Two-Step

Once thoroughly tired out, everyone reconvened in front of Boatswain's Monument to relax, and enjoy their food and drink. Some also took a stroll in the gardens, whilst others explored the house.

Attendees eating and drinking, and enjoying the mild Spring weather.

Amelia, Peta and Martha go for a stroll in the box hedges.

During the picnic, we handed out 'The Paper Plate Awards' - for biggest hat, most chintzy fabric, most abundant use of feathers, and other silly titles. We then took some fun group photos in chronological order of time period, and in front of Boatswain's Monument.

Costumes in chronological order, from early medieval and 17th century, through to the 1940s and 50s.

Boatswain's Monument

After the picnic, we headed into Nottingham city centre to check-in to the Premier Inn on Goldsmith Street, and get ready for the night's Dinner Party at the Corinthian Restaurant. At the dinner, guests arrived in all their splendour and were photographed upon arrival. The photographs were printed so they could be given out as mementos of the occasion. I gave a quick welcome speech before the wonderful waiting staff served us our 3-course meal.

Rebecca, Lisa, Gemma, Kyla, Peta and Olivia wearing their 1890s gowns.

The mushroom mille-feuille; one of the many starters on offer at the Corinthian.

After dinner, Kat entertained everyone with a teams quiz; categories included sewing and period dramas. Before we then retired for the evening and return to the Premier Inn.

The next morning, a group of us visited Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem for lunch and a visit to The Antique's Centre to peruse the wares and knick-knacks there, before journeying home.

Outside Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem; the oldest inn in England.

A wonderful weekend was had by all, and we're looking forward to planning similar events in the future.

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